
Q3 Project: BathroomApp

28 January to 8 April, 2019

For the Quarter 3 project, our task was to create an Android App from start to finish. Skills tested along the way were prototyping, first with then with Google Drawings, unit testing, user interface design, and, of course, Java programming.

For my project, my partner and I chose to create an app to request and view live reports on which restrooms are open and closed. My responsibility was the bulk of the coding and design of the app as well as the data source linking. We used Firebase to create a database for the reports because of its ease of use and live updatability.

View JavaDoc Here | View Github Repository Here

Seating Chart

28 August to 10 December, 2018

This project was a demonstration both of collaboration with a large number of co-workers and of Object-Oriented Programming. The stated goal of the project was to create a seating chart for the class wherein a student could create a unique animation when clicked on.

I was responsible for building the project and merging individual student branches into the main code. I also had to coordinate technical support for adding the files to the central repository. Along with all the other students in the class, I also created a unique animation (see animation on the left).

View Github Source Code Here

Entrepreneurship Project 2018: RePly

7 May to 21 May, 2018

The goal of this project was to come up with a practical solution to a universal problem and to convince our peers that our idea would be a viable business venture. The problem we tackled was that restrooms run out of toilet paper outside the service cycle, disabling their functionality and leading to unnecessary awkward situations. We solved that problem by creating a retrofittable system that would notify janitors when that happens. This is achieved by using an ultrasonic sensor to monitor the presence of toilet paper in real time.

I was responsible for managing the project and creating the branding, as well as presenting our idea with my teammates. The branding is shown in the picture to the left above the rendered image of the sensor module. I also used visual aids to ensure compliance with the rubric for the documentation by adding the instructions and requirements in bright green on the documentation pages during the process of writing.

View Presentation Here | View Documentation Here
West Point Bridge

Project 2.3.2: West Point Bridge Project

9 March to 21 March, 2018

The objective of this project was to learn about bridge design and all the different factors that go along with it. We designed a bridge for the American Bridge Company so there was a way to cross the Trinity River and designed a simple truss bridge that delivered the maximum stability for its cost.

My responsibilities were to help brainstorm bridges along with modifying the final design in order to maximise its positive attributes. I spent a lot of my time tweaking individual beams in order to make the bridge more stable as well as writing the documentation. I also maintained the Gantt Chart.

In this project, I learned that sometimes you have to put in extra work to make up for your teammates' time constraints in doing their part.

This project exemplified my thinking-on-my-feet because I was made to mostly ad-lib a presentation to overwhelmingly positive reception by my class.

View Documentation Here

Project 1.3.2: Solar Hydrogen Car

31 October to 16 November, 2017

The objective of the project was to find the best power source for the client, Tesla Motors, to use in their cars. We did this using VEX parts to model the motors and the wheels of the car.

My responsibilities were to complete much of the documentation along with the Gantt Chart. I ended up spending a lot of my time refilling hydrogen cells and wiring banana plugs.

I learned that there should always be extra room included in a schedule in case something unexpected, such as the bomb threat that forced DHS to be evacuated, happens and throws you off course.

This project exemplified my adaptivity, as when a teammate changed the design without warning or consultation, I helped test the new system.

View Documentation Here

Entrepreneurship Project 2017: Rollteq

May 2017

In mid-May 2017, all of the classes in the engineering academy, including my Introduction to Engineering and Design class, were instructed to form groups and create a product. I placed myself with Nile Desta, Aditi Jagannathan, and James Sevilla, other members of our school's Cross Country and track teams. After brainstorming products that would be relevant to our teams, we ended up choosing a concept for a foam roller which heats and cools itself using electricity; prior products were heatable and coolable using microwaves and freezers, but none could change their own temperature. My team created Autodesk Inventor files, a presentation, and a website for our roller at

Toy Train Project

January to March 2017

In late January 2017, my Introduction to Engineering and Design class was instructed to use Autodesk Inventor to model and assemble a toy train engine that could drive on a straight and curved track. After doing so, the class was assigned groups to create a custom toy train with an innovative and colourful design. My group decided to work with the concept of cars, creating a Honda Accord, a Jeep Wrangler, a Mini Cooper, and a Ford F-100 truck in Inventor. I created the truck and assembled the whole selection, allowing it to drive effectively through clever solutions and hard work. While I was not the project manager, I worked closely with ours to make sure our project had as good a result as possible.

The project was intended to let us loose in Inventor, improve our presentation skills, and check whether we could work together properly. My team was able to overcome its differences and succeed in creating an innovative and fun train set.